Saturday, 6 February 2010

Snow.. not so.. mobile

Believe it or not... this is my car.
When I parked it in this spot roughly a week ago the snow had been nicely ploughed and it was no problem either getting in or out. 

Tomorrow I am off to pick up my son. I'm one of those dads that have the privilege of seeing/taking care of their child every other week.  

Getting the car out is a task I am not readily looking forward to... for obvious reasons. For starters I have to get hold of a shovel... so it will be a quick walk to the girlfriend's parents place to borrow one, then after hopefully getting into the car, comes the task of brushing off the snow and scraping off any ice from the windows. After all that it's fingers crossed that the battery hasn't been drained from the past week's cold weather. 

The task of picking up my son is therefore not one to be taken lightly. A great deal of time, effort and thought has to be applied. 

Fingers crossed that it will all go well... of course I will let you all(?) know how it goes.

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