G'day to you all,
I thought I would write a little here about who (I think) I am and the reason's for writing this blog.
I am a Kiwi bloke (yes I still consider myself one) who has been living in Sweden almost 15 years.
This blog is my attempt to keep/ get in touch with the happenings back in Kiwiland, to record these and other things of interest that I discover in the process.
So why write a blog about it all?
Well I see this as a way for my friends to gain an insight into my background and what I find interesting. The fact I find something interesting, funny or important, means perhaps that someone else also thinks that something is interesting, funny or important. I therefore thought why not share?
This is not a blog for the purpose of venting. I want to try and write things in a positive light. There is enough negativity in the world today... I don't intend to contribute to it.
Welcome & Enjoy....
Etykietowanie Spośród Boku
5 years ago