Saturday, 6 February 2010

Some music from Home

I was sorry to hear that kiwi musician Pauly Fuemana had passed away. He was a member of a band called OMC and is probably best known for the song.. "How Bizarre"  which can be seen below...

It is one of those songs that brings back memories of cruising on a hot summer day in you car with the windows down... you know, in the days before air conditioning.... It creates a certain feeling of longing back to those days... especially perhaps now when its -10 out.

On the subject of kiwi music.. while checking out some blogs from my old home town Wellington I came across the video which can be seen bellow. It is of a new single from a member of the band Fur Patrol.
Her name is Julia Deans and the song is called "a new dialogue"... enjoy....

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