Land Of The Long White Cloud
Is located in the south-western Pacific Ocean approx 2000km south-east of Australia.
New Zealand has a total land area of 268,680 km² , being 1600km long.
The indigenous people are called Maori. Polynesian in origin, they arrived sometime around 1280 AD.
The First European to discover NZ was Dutchman Abel Tasman in 1642. Several of his crew were killed in an encounter with the Maori. It wasn't until 1769 that the Europeans returned in the form of Englishman James Cook, who mapped almost the whole coastline.
New Zealand became part of the British empire after the signing of the Treaty of Waitangi the 6th February 1840 between the main tribes of NZ and the British. Discrepancies in the translations of both copies are to this day a major cause of dispute, mainly of landownership rights. This date has now become the day we celebrate our nation's birth.
1947 became New Zealand officially independent, although it had been self governing since 1856. New Zealand was in fact the first country in the world to give woman the vote (1893).
New Zealand's geographic isolation helped it create a unique fauna dominated by birds being free from mammals except for three species of bat until the arrival of the Maori people who brought with them, among other things, the pacific rat.
3 notable species are:
1: The Giant Moa; an Emu like bird that could grow to a height of 3,7m and weigh 230kg.(extinct)
2: Haast's Eagle; the largest eagle ever to exist weighing approx 10-15kg.(extinct)
3: The Kiwi, not the fruit but the bird after which we Kiwis call ourselves.
New Zealand's highest peak: Mount Cook/Aroaki: 3754m (Kebnekaise 2111m)
New Zealand's climate is described as mild.. with temperatures rarely falling bellow 0 °C or rising above 30 °C
Current population: 4,356,555
of which 78% European, 14.6% Maori, 9.2% Asian and 6.9% of Pacific peoples.
The official languages are: English, Maori and New Zealand sign-language.
Government: Parliamentary democracy and constitutional monarchy (British)
Welligton is the capital city while Auckland is the country's largest city
New Zealand's population of sheep have declined from 70 million in 1980 to 39 million 2008. New Zealand has 50% of the world lamb meat trade.
Main sport/religion: Rugby
Sorry but I can't be bothered writing anymore... for more facts you can read them or in Swedish
Any more Questions you would like answers to? just ask and I will see what I can find out...
Spännande... Dock borde jag kanske kunna allt detta vid det här laget...?!? =)
Vad blir nästa sak du ska lära oss mer om?? Rugby kanske? Jag skulle behöva en uppfräschning av reglerna, särskilt om det ska börja kollas på Super 14...
Rugby it is then.
Tack! Intressant läsning. Det där med att NZ var först med kvinnlig rösträtt har jag hört någon gång, men faktiskt glömt bort.
Hoppas jag någon gång får chansen att åka down under.
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